Francine Duntley

Francine Duntley

Total tv guru. Amateur pop culture buff. Hardcore beer buff. Total tv fanatic. Friendly coffee geek. Proud internet buff.

51 Total Articles
Getting Into Medical School as a Non-Traditional Applicant: What You Need to Know

Getting Into Medical School as a Non-Traditional Applicant: What You Need to Know

Non-traditional applicants for medical school are those who have taken a different path to medical school. This could...

Scholarships for Underrepresented Students Pursuing a Medical Degree

Scholarships for Underrepresented Students Pursuing a Medical Degree

Organizations dedicated to the development of a diverse medical workforce are committed to providing scholarships to...

Can You Get Into Medical School With a 3.3 GPA? - A Guide for Aspiring Medical Students

Can You Get Into Medical School With a 3.3 GPA? - A Guide for Aspiring Medical Students

Different medical schools have different GPA goals for applicants, but anything below 3 or 7 is generally considered low. ...

Scholarships and Programs for Military Families Applying to Medical School

Scholarships and Programs for Military Families Applying to Medical School

The Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) offers a range of military scholarships that can help cover civil...

What are the Best Medical Schools for Non-Traditional Students?

What are the Best Medical Schools for Non-Traditional Students?

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine is an excellent choice for non-traditional applicants. Located in...

How to Get Into Medical School: Financial Aid Options and Scholarships

How to Get Into Medical School: Financial Aid Options and Scholarships

Getting into medical school is a long and difficult process, but it can be made easier with the right financial aid...

Can You Get Into Medical School With a Low GPA?

Can You Get Into Medical School With a Low GPA?

Getting into medical school is a competitive process, and having a low GPA can make it even more difficult. However, it...

Scholarships and Programs for Minority Students Applying to Medical School: A Comprehensive Guide

Scholarships and Programs for Minority Students Applying to Medical School: A Comprehensive Guide

The question of representation in medical school is a pressing one, as it is well known that doctors rate the pain of...

The Benefits of Volunteering for Medical School Admissions: A Guide for Premeds

The Benefits of Volunteering for Medical School Admissions: A Guide for Premeds

Volunteering at medical school is one of the best incentives for your application; it shows the admissions committee that ...

What GPA Do You Need to Get Into Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

What GPA Do You Need to Get Into Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to getting accepted into medical school, average MCAT scores and average medical school GPA are two of the...

What is the Cost of Attending Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Cost of Attending Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

The Cost of Attendance (COA) is the student budget that is calculated using direct educational costs charged to all...

Scholarships and Programs for Native American/Indigenous Students Pursuing Medical School

Scholarships and Programs for Native American/Indigenous Students Pursuing Medical School

The Indian Health Service (IHS) Scholarship Program provides qualified American Indian and Alaska Native students with...

What Degree is Received After Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

What Degree is Received After Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

When a medical career is in your future, a biology degree is a fantastic place to start. Many students choose biology for ...

Is Medical School a Masters Degree? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Medical School a Masters Degree? A Comprehensive Guide

Doctors don't usually earn master's degrees, and there are no master's degrees that lead to a medical degree. At least,...

Can You Get a Full Scholarship to Medical School in the US? - A Comprehensive Guide

Can You Get a Full Scholarship to Medical School in the US? - A Comprehensive Guide

Are you dreaming of attending medical school without having to worry about tuition and fees? It may seem like an...

How to Apply to Medical School as a Student with Disabilities

How to Apply to Medical School as a Student with Disabilities

Under the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act, medical schools are prohibited from discriminating against people with...

How Much Does it Take to Attend Medical School?

How Much Does it Take to Attend Medical School?

Medical school tuition fees tend to increase each year, and the cost of four years can be quite hefty. It is important to ...

How Much Can Medical Students Borrow in Loans? A Comprehensive Guide

How Much Can Medical Students Borrow in Loans? A Comprehensive Guide

Medical students often face a daunting financial burden when it comes to paying for their education. With tuition costs...

Can Scholarships Cover Medical School Expenses?

Can Scholarships Cover Medical School Expenses?

Remember that even if you attend a free medical school, you'll still have to pay for non-tuition expenses such as fees,...

What Types of Courses are Offered in Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Curriculum

What Types of Courses are Offered in Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Curriculum

Students who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine must understand the types of courses offered in medical...

Which Medical Degree is Most Valuable?

Which Medical Degree is Most Valuable?

When it comes to pursuing a career in the medical field, there are many different paths to take. Anesthesiologists, nurse ...

Which Degree is Best for a Medical Career?

Which Degree is Best for a Medical Career?

When you're looking to pursue a career in the medical field, a biology degree is an excellent place to start. Founded in...

What are the Prerequisites for Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

What are the Prerequisites for Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the requirements of medical schools is crucial when planning your college courses. As a pre-medical...

Getting Residency After Medical School: What You Need to Know

Getting Residency After Medical School: What You Need to Know

Getting into a residency program is no easy task. It requires more than just being a good student; you must also have the ...

Getting Into Medical School With a Low GPA: Is It Possible?

Getting Into Medical School With a Low GPA: Is It Possible?

A GPA of 3.0 or higher is generally considered to be the minimum requirement for medical schools. However, some medical...

Scholarships and Programs for Medical School Students: A Comprehensive Guide

Scholarships and Programs for Medical School Students: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you considering attending medical school but worried about the cost? Don't worry, there are many scholarships and...

What is the Average MCAT Score for Medical School Applicants? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Average MCAT Score for Medical School Applicants? A Comprehensive Guide

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a critical component of the medical school application process. It is a...

What is the Average MCAT Score for Medical School Acceptance? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Average MCAT Score for Medical School Acceptance? A Comprehensive Guide

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a standardized exam used by medical schools to assess applicants' knowledge...

What is the Lowest GPA Accepted into Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Lowest GPA Accepted into Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

Most medical schools in the U. S.

What Loans Can Medical Students Get? - A Comprehensive Guide

What Loans Can Medical Students Get? - A Comprehensive Guide

Medical school can be an expensive endeavor, and many students find themselves in need of financial assistance....

10 Tips to Get Into Medical School From Doctors and Medical Students

10 Tips to Get Into Medical School From Doctors and Medical Students

Getting into medical school is a highly competitive process, with the national acceptance rate standing at 43 percent...

Scholarships for Women Applying to Medical School

Scholarships for Women Applying to Medical School

If you are a woman who is interested in obtaining scholarships for medical school, here are some of the best options...

Types of Residencies After Medical School: A Comprehensive Guide

Types of Residencies After Medical School: A Comprehensive Guide

Medical school is a highly competitive environment, and plastic surgery and neurosurgery are two of the most sought-after ...

The Ultimate Guide to Applying to Medical School

The Ultimate Guide to Applying to Medical School

Are you considering a career in medicine? If so, you'll need to understand the application process for medical school....

Do Medical School Graduates Always Secure Residency?

Do Medical School Graduates Always Secure Residency?

As a medical student, securing a residency position is an exciting prospect. But there's no guarantee that things will go ...

How Long Does it Take to Finish a Medical School Program?

How Long Does it Take to Finish a Medical School Program?

Medical school programs are becoming increasingly popular in the U. S., and for a good reason.

What Majors are Most Likely to be Accepted into Medical School?

What Majors are Most Likely to be Accepted into Medical School?

Medical school is a highly competitive field, and applicants must have a strong academic background to be accepted....

What Degrees Can You Earn in Medical School?

What Degrees Can You Earn in Medical School?

After completing medical school, you can earn a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree or a Master of Science in Physician...

Funding Medical School: A Comprehensive Guide

Funding Medical School: A Comprehensive Guide

Pursuing a medical degree is a major financial undertaking. With tuition fees on the rise and the cost of living...

What are Residencies After Medical School?

What are Residencies After Medical School?

Residency medicine is postgraduate training for those who have obtained a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy ...

Financial Aid Options for Medical School Students: A Comprehensive Guide

Financial Aid Options for Medical School Students: A Comprehensive Guide

Attending medical school is a major financial commitment, and it is important to understand the various financial aid...

Is a 3.7 GPA Competitive for Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

Is a 3.7 GPA Competitive for Medical School? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to getting accepted into medical school, having a competitive GPA is essential. Most medical schools are...

What GPA Do Medical Schools Accept?

What GPA Do Medical Schools Accept?

A GPA of 3.0 or higher is generally considered to be the minimum requirement for medical schools. Some schools may have a ...

What Degree Do You Need to Enter Medical School?

What Degree Do You Need to Enter Medical School?

Understanding the requirements of medical schools is crucial when planning your college courses. As a pre-medical...

Financial Aid for Low-Income Students Pursuing a Medical Career

Financial Aid for Low-Income Students Pursuing a Medical Career

For those aspiring to pursue a career in the medical field, financial aid is available. Most students cannot afford the...

Scholarships and Grants for Non-Traditional Medical Students: Unlocking the Door to a Medical Career

Scholarships and Grants for Non-Traditional Medical Students: Unlocking the Door to a Medical Career

Are you a non-traditional student looking to pursue a degree in medicine? If so, you may be eligible for a variety of...

The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Extracurricular Activities for Medical School

The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Extracurricular Activities for Medical School

Not only is this important for admission, but it's also important for you as a person. On the other hand, if you're a...