What Degrees Can You Earn in Medical School?

Learn about the degrees available after completing medical school such as Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS). Understand what courses are required for admission into medical school.

What Degrees Can You Earn in Medical School?

After completing medical school, you can earn a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree or a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), nearly half of college students who become doctors and surgeons study biology at university. But some study other sciences or mathematics, and some even study subjects such as business, English, or fine art. Majoring in biology is one way to make sure that you take the necessary science courses and laboratories that many medical schools require.

You will learn about topics such as human biology, anatomy, physiology and genetics. Similarly, biochemistry students study living organisms, as well as chemistry and how it affects those living organisms. This is also a common option for those who want to attend medical school. You can stand out from biology and chemistry students and add diversity to your graduate class by majoring in psychology. You will also acquire the job skills necessary to adopt a humanistic approach to a medical career, such as empathy, communication, critical thinking, and resilience.

According to the BLS, about 6.6 percent of employed doctors and surgeons have degrees in psychology. In addition to choosing a specialty focused on preparing for medical school, it's important to choose one that fits your interests and goals. If the idea of studying biology for four years doesn't excite you, but you really like psychology, don't force yourself to do something that doesn't seem interesting to you. The two grades reflect different types of training in medical schools. Institutions that award doctors are often called allopathic medical schools, while DOs attend osteopathic medical schools.

In an undergraduate program in psychology, students should expect to study the introductory foundations of psychology, research methods in psychology, methods of psychological testing, and principles of developmental psychology, social psychology, abnormal psychology, clinical psychology, biological psychology, and cognitive psychology. However, the American Medical Association cautions that, statistically speaking, applicants with a background in biology do not have a competitive advantage over candidates pursuing other undergraduate majors. Below is a general example of the prerequisites that a future medical student and applicant must meet to attend medical school. If you are interested in working in a clinical position in human health care, potential medical specializations at the university that you can consider include any of the following 15 programs of study: many nursing programs include some courses prior to medical school, although you may have to take additional courses. Once students enter their clinical years of medical school and their residency and clinical practice, they apply those scientific principles to the real world, diagnosing and treating patients' medical conditions. Pursuing a career in public health is an increasingly popular measure among pre-medical students, Oregon State University reported.

By completing a degree in biological sciences, you will enter medical school with enormous advantages. An undergraduate program in environmental science will consist of an interdisciplinary curriculum that includes studies in biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. As you approach the end of your bachelor's degree curriculum, you can decide whether you want to pursue a career in engineering design or apply to medical school so that you can treat patients in clinical practice. Specializing in psychology can be a particularly smart decision if you're interested in a medical specialty related to mental health such as psychiatry or neurology. In general, these health care programs focus more on preparing students to work in the position of technologist or medical technician in clinical practice. Many schools that offer a specialization in exercise science also offer a pre-medical concentration to ensure that you take the courses you need to excel on your MCATs and enter medical school.

However, this specialization can also prepare you for medical school and improve your knowledge about tools you could use as a doctor or other medical professional.